
Autographieren 22 Autographieren A Autopsie Von Originalen 22 Übungen Mit Griffel Und Ton 02

In the Heidelberg Research Laboratory for the Ancient Near East, a different theme takes centre stage every year: From medicine in ancient Mesopotamia, to conceptions of the world of the gods and transcendence, or the historiographical practices of Assyrian rulers…

A corpus of unpublished cuneiform texts pertinent to overarching theme is selected for the participants to edit. Accompanying them is our international team of researchers.

Each participant dedicates themselves to the study of a cuneiform tablet: From its decipherment, by way of the creation of an academic transcription, philological commentary, and translation, to the completion of a copy. While each participant works on an individual editing project, the research laboratory encourages collegial discussion. Difficulties resulting from the work process can be discussed at any time with docents and participants. On the weekly jour fixe, chosen questions and problems will be treated in greater depth. In such a manner, the participants master together the challenges of decipherment and editing. At the end of the six-week programme, the participants have produced a publication within which the texts previously unpublished texts will be made accessible to academia.

The close personal supervision, daily intellectual exchange, and work setting characterised by high levels of motivation and commitment together forge a truly exceptional research and teaching environment. Here, the participants perfect their perfect their competencies in producing philological editions, and make at the same time their first steps into academia.

We will provide accommodation in the university’s guesthouse for participants for the duration of their stay. Additionally, the costs of your journey to and from Heidelberg will be reimbursed.


The induction into the six-week curriculum is formed by a period of getting to know one another, and a thematic introduction. The participants improve their abilities in the editing of cuneiform texts and become secure in the use of different methods of copying.

In the following weeks, individual work on editions takes pride of place. The participants dedicate themselves to studying academically their respective texts. Where necessary, the cuneiform original is collated in its museum, in order to resolve unanswered questions. In such a way, every participant has produced a manuscript ripe for publication in the space of six weeks.


Indvidual project work
Copying Workshop

Jour fixe:

– Presentation of results

– Discussion of problems

– Planning of the next stages of work

Indvidual project work
Integraged Seminar
Indvidual project work


– Presentation of own research



Guest academics who are proven specialists in a respective topic enrich through their attendance the Heidelberg Research Laboratory for the Ancient Near East. In lectures, they deepen knowledge on individual thematic aspects. The dialogue with experts facilitates the participants’ comprehensive exploration of a particular field of research.

Presentation in the realm of the institute’s colloquium provides the participants with the opportunity to present findings from their current research projects such as degree theses. In such a manner, exchange on key interests is not only fostered between participants, but also a fruitful discussion might be enjoyed with the researchers of the Heidelberg Institute for Assyriology.

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Latest Revision: 2019-11-19
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